Special Offers
Early Birds
Early booking 90 days before your arrival, valid all year round, only on our website, we offer you a 15% discount, non-refundable booking.
Non refundable. Prepayment required at time of booking.
Rate includes room and breakfast.
Offer restrictions:
- Minimum of stay of 3 nights
- Booking 90 days before arrival
Winter Deal
Come and discover Casa Amor during the low season and we offer you a special deal. If you stay 4 nights, the 4th night is free.
Non-refundable. Prepayment required at time of booking.
The rate includes room and breakfast.
Offer Restrictions:
- Minimum stay of 4 nights
- Active period: from 04/11/2024 to 20/03/2025
- 10 days advance booking
Available from 2024-11-07 until 2025-03-20